Projects at the Port of Gothenburg
It is our vision to be the most competitive port in the world. We aim to provide the best possible preconditions for efficient and sustainable trade via the Port of Gothenburg cargo hub. This means that we must continuously adopt an ambitious approach to work on innovation and develop our operations to meet the needs of today and tomorrow. We have brought together the major projects currently under way at the port on this page.
We aim to be the most sustainable port in the world. To achieve this goal, we promise to reduce our CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030. All of our projects are characterised by sustainability, whether they are collaborative projects to streamline and improve the logistics chain or the further development and infrastructure of the cargo hub.
We aim to reduce our CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030. The decisions we take today affect the future of generations to come. We link up land with sea, trains with ships, goods with people, Scandinavia with the world, and it’s our projects that make this a reality.
Climate-smart choices
We work actively to ensure that we make environmentally sound and climate-smart choices in projects involving construction. One example of this is the Skandia Gateway project. During the detailed planning stage for the Skandia Gateway, the idea arose to calculate the volume of CO2 emissions during construction. Measurements were performed using the Swedish Transport Administration’s model for raw material extraction, product processing and transportation to and within the construction site. The result of this was the realisation that by reducing the dimensions, the steel requirement was reduced by 800 tonnes, corresponding to seven percent, or around 2,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide.