Permits and regulations

Here you can find documents that regulate activities in the area of the Port of Gothenburg.

Vessel calls

All vessels that are due to call at the Port of Gothenburg must issue notification at least 24 hours before arrival.

Port Control.

Port Control is staffed around the clock and answers questions about port calls, vessel notifications, rules and permits, as well as any other questions outside office hours.

Do you need to know what kinds of work are under way in the port area? Contact Port Control, which is best placed to answer such questions.

Contact information.

VHF: Channel 12
Phone: +46 31 368 75 15

Contact VTS Gothenburg
VHF: Channel 13
Phone: +46 771 630 660

Contact Lotsbeställningen Göteborg (pilot service)
VHF: Channel 11
Phone: +46 771 630 670

Contact details, Harbour Master’s Office
Office hours 08:00-16:30 Monday-Friday

Harbour Master, Pontus Bengtsson, +46 31 368 76 33
Deputy Harbour Master, Erik Waller, +46 31 368 75 12
Inspection vessel MS Hamnen, +46 703 715 990 (outside office hours)


quick facts icon

Do you have any questions about cargo being transported to or from the port?

If you have any questions about cargo that is being transported to or from the Port of Gothenburg, we would ask you to contact the relevant terminal.

Click here to find the right terminal operator.

quick facts icon


Do you have any questions about cargo being transported to or from the port?

If you have any questions about cargo that is being transported to or from the Port of Gothenburg, we would ask you to contact the relevant terminal.

Click here to find the right terminal operator.


Do you have any questions about cargo being transported to or from the port?

If you have any questions about cargo that is being transported to or from the Port of Gothenburg, we would ask you to contact the relevant terminal.

Click here to find the right terminal operator.


Do you have any questions about cargo being transported to or from the port?

If you have any questions about cargo that is being transported to or from the Port of Gothenburg, we would ask you to contact the relevant terminal.

Click here to find the right terminal operator.

Port Security

Security is a priority issue for the Gothenburg Port Authority. Cargo of enormous value is handled at the port, and it is of strategic importance for society.

Port Entry

Port Entry is a joint point of entry to the port area and provides a clear route into the port for better reception and an efficient traffic flow.