Berths at the Port of Gothenburg.

The Port of Gothenburg has several different terminals and 49 berths, with each berth offering different conditions. You can find detailed information here about each berth and information about which actors operate within that part of the port.

Click on the berths to view berth specifications. If you are looking for a specific berth, you can use the search function to quickly view information about the berth you are looking for. You will also find the information listed further down the page.

Arrivals and Departures

See which vessels are about to call at or depart from the Port of Gothenburg.

Vessel calls

All vessels that are due to call at the Port of Gothenburg must issue notification at least 24 hours before arrival.

Berth specifications in the Energy Port


Berth 506

Charted depth: 7,0 meters
Max. draught: 6,5 (6,0) meters
Max. LOA: 86 meters
Berth orientation: 041/221
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2,20 meters

Download mooringplan for berth 506.
Se berthdesign for berth 506.

Berth 507

Charted depth: 7,0 meters
Max. draught: 6,5 meters
Max. LOA: 85 meters
Berth orientation: 041/221
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2,20 meters

Download mooringplan for berth 507.
See berthdesign for berth 507.

Berth 508-509

Charted depth: 8,0 meters
Max. draught: 7,5 meters
Max. LOA: 160 meters
Berth orientation: 045/225
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2,20 meters

Special restrictions: When a vessel with an overall length of >120 metres arrives at berth 509 and the wind speed is more than 12 m/s, the use of one (1) tug is compulsory. 

Download Manifold Mooring berth 508-509.
See berthdesign for berth 508-509.

Berth 510

Charted depth: 13.0 metres
Max. draught: 12.5 metres
Max. LOA: 255 metres
Berth orientation: 033°/213°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.5 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 510, LOA 154
Download mooringplan for berth 510, LOA 255
See berthdesing for berth 510.

Berth 511

Charted depth: 12.0 metres
Max. draught: 11.5 metres
Max. LOA: 200 metres
Berth orientation: 033°/213°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.45 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 511, LOA 120
Download mooringplan for berth 511, LOA 200
See berthdesign for berth 511.

Berth 512

Charted depth: 7.0 metres
Max. draught: 6.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 512-514 is 100 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 512.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 513

Charted depth: 7.0 metres
Max. draught: 6.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 512-514 is 100 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 513.
Download mooringplan for berth  512-518.

Berth 514

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 512-514 is 100 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 514.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 515

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 515 is 125 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 515.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 516

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 516-518 is 130 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 516.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 517

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 516-518 is 130 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 517.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 518

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 130 metres
Berth orientation: 111°/291°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.0 metres

The maximum LOA at berths 516-518 is 130 m. 

Download manifolder arrangement for berth 518.
Download mooringplan for berth 512-518.

Berth 519

Charted depth: 13.0 metres
Max. draught: 12.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 280 metres
Berth orientation: 017°/197°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.5 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 519.

Berth 520

Charted depth: 12.0 metres
Max. draught: 11.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 240 metres
Berth orientation: 017°/197°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.7 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 520.
See berthdesign for berth 520.
Mooring of vessel at berth 520-521.
Mooring of bunker barge alongside a tanker vessel at berth 520-521.

Berth 521

Charted depth: 12.0 metres
Max. draught: 11.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 220 metres
Berth orientation: 017°/197°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.7 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 521.
See berthdesign for berth 521.
Mooring of vessel at berth 520-521.
Mooring of bunker barge alongside a tanker vessel at berth 520-521.


Berth 551

Charted depth: 10,0 metres
Max. draught: 9,3 metres
Max. LOA: 150 metres
Berth orientation: 016°/196°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3 metres

Special restrictions: If during arrival the wind speed is more than 12 m/s, the use of one (1) tug is compulsory. If during departure the wind speed is more than 15 m/s, the use of one (1) tug is compulsory. All gas vessels without a functioning bow thruster: use of one (1) tug compulsory.

Download mooringplan for berth 551.

Berth 555

Charted depth: 7.8 metres
Max. draught: 7.3 metres
Max. LOA: 160 metres
Berth orientation: 053°/233°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.40 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 555.

Berth 556A

Charted depth: 7.8 metres
Max. draught: 7.3 metres
Max. LOA: 110 metres
Berth orientation: 052°/232°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.40 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 556A.

Berth 556B

Charted depth: 7.8 metres
Max. draught: 7.3 metres
Max. LOA: 110 metres
Berth orientation: 052°/232°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.40 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 556B.

Berth  556C

Charted depth: 4.3 metres
Max. draught: 3.8 metres
Max. LOA: 67 metres
Berth orientation: 052°/232°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.40 metres

Download mooringplan for berth 556C.

Skandiahamnen Bitumen

Berth 644

Charted depth: 8.6 metres
Max. draught: 7.6 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 135 metres
Berth orientation: 029°/209°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.1 metres

Special restrictions: UKC (under keel clearance) 1.0 metres.

Download mooringplan for berth 644.

Kajplatser i Torshamnen

Berth 800

Charted depth: 18.0 metres
Max. draught: 17.0 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 280 metres
Berth orientation: 025/205
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 4.5 metres

Download Manifold mooring for berth 800.
See berthdesign for berth 800.

Berth 801

Charted depth: 20.5 meters
Max draught: 19.05 meters
Max draft at berth 801 is 19.05 meters in density 1.013. Passing Trubaduren vessel draft not to exceed 18.9 meters in salt water density.
Maximum length of vessel: 335 meters
Berth orientation: 025/205
Quay height above water level (MW): about 4.5 meters

Berth specifications in Skandia Harbour.

Berth 600

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 170 metres, RoRo vessels >218 metres* (*for RoRo vessels between 171-218 metres, a special examination must be carried out)
Berth orientation: 008°/188° 
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.30 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 45 metres + 0.8 metres

Berth 601

Charted depth: 11.0 metres
Max. draught: 10.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 290 metres (larger vessels after agreement with Harbour Masters Office) 
Berth orientation: 017°/197°
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.50 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 22.0 metres + 1.70 metres

See berthdesign for berth 601

Berth 610-612

Charted depth: 14.20* metres (*From the east and extending 500 metres out, the water depth is 14.2 metres (MW). At the remainder of the berth the water depth is 12.0 metres (MW)
Max. draught: 13.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 400 metres
Berth orientation: 090°/270°
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.50 metres

See berthdesign for berth 610-612

Berth 613-614

Charted depth: 12.0 metres
Max. draught: 11.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 390 metres
Berth orientation: 090°/270°
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.50 metres

See berthdesign for berth 613-614

Berth 615

Charted depth: 11 metres
Max. draught: 10.5 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 200 metres
Berth orientation: 090°/270°
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.50 metres 

See berthdesign for berth 615

Berth 640-643

Charted depth: 10.0-11.0 metres
Max. draught: 9.50-10.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 250-300* metres (*Max. length in the case of a draught of 10.5 metres (at MW) is 250 metres. Max. length in the case of a draught of 9.5 metres (at MW) is 300 metres.) 
Berth orientation: 007°/187°
Quay height above water level (MW): 2.50 metres

Special stipulations regarding berths 640-643:
If vessels that moor at berth 643 are wider than 30 metres, there should no vessel moored at berth 644. When a vessel leaving berth 643 is wider than 30 metres and is being assisted by a tug, no vessel should be moored at berth 644. When a vessel wider than 30 metres is due to depart from berth 643 without tug assistance, all loading/unloading at berth 644 must cease.

Berth specifications for Arendal and Älvsborg Harbour.

Älvsborg harbour.

Berth 700

Charted depth: 9.5 metres
Max. draught: 9.0 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 184 metres
Berth orientation: 359°/179°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.50 metres

Berth 702

Charted depth: 11.0 metres
Max. draught: 10.5 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 197 metres
Berth orientation: 005°/185°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.50 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 24.0 metres + 1.4 metres

See berthdesign for berth 702.

Berth 710

Charted depth: 11.0 metres
Max. draught: 10.5 metres
Berth orientation: 095°/275°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.50 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 26.0 metres + 1.2 metres

See berthdesign for berth 710.
See ramp design for berth 710

Berth 711

Charted depth: 11.0 metres
Max. draught: 10.5 metres
Berth orientation: 095°/275°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.50 metres

See berthdesign for berth 711.

Berth 712

Charted depth: 11.0 metres
Max. draught: 10.5 metres
Berth orientation: 095°/275°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.50 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 43.0 metres + 1.2 metres

Berth 713

Charted depth: 9.4 metres
Max. draught: 8.90 metres (temporarily reduced to 8,4 m, see Notice to Mariners 17661)
Maximum length of vessel: 200 metres (larger vessels after agreement with Harbour Masters Office) 
Berth orientation: 095°/275°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.40 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 26.0 metres + 1.4 metres


Berth 750

Charted depth: 9.6 metres
Max. draught: 9.10 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 200 metres (larger vessels after agreement with Harbour Masters Office) 
Berth orientation: 011°/191°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.5 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 25.5 metres + 1.5 metres

See berthdesign for berth 750.

Berth 750A

Charted depth: 9.50 metres
Max. draught: 9.0 metres
Maximum length of vessel: Berth for Emtunga unloading. Heavy lift, ramp only.
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.5 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 50.0 metres, no slope.

Berth 751

Charted depth: 9.6 metres
Max. draught: 9.1 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 180 / (300 metres if only 752 is used)
Berth orientation: 088°/268°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.6 metres
Ramp width + Ramp height outer edge (MW): 26.0 metres + 1.3 metres

See berthdesign for berth 751.

Berth 752

Charted depth: 9.6 metres
Max. draught: 9.1 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 180 metres

Berth specifications for other berths and cruise ships berths.

Cruise berths.

Berth 27

Charted depth: 7,6 metres
Max. draught: 7,1 metres
Maximum length of vessel: N/A metres 
Berth orientation: 79/259 
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2 metres

Berth 36

Charted depth: 8.0 metres
Max. draught: 7.50 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 220 metres (225 with POD)
Berth orientation: 088°/266°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 2.6 metres

Berth 48

Charted depth: 8 metres
Max. draught: 7,5 metres
Maximum length of vessel: N/A
Berth orientation: 54/234
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2,15 metres

Berth 259

Charted depth: 5,6 metres
Max. draught: 5,1 metres
Maximum length of vessel: N/A
Berth orientation: 19/199
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2 - 2,2 metres 

Berth 262

Charted depth: 5 metres
Max. draught: 4,5 metres
Maximum length of vessel: N/A
Berth orientation: 19/199
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2 - 2,2 metres 

Berth 752

Charted depth: 9.50 metres
Max. draught: 9.0 metres
Maximum length of vessel: 180 / (300 metres if 751 is also used)
Berth orientation: 088°/268°
Quay height above water level (MW): approx. 3.6 metres

See berthdesign for berth 752.

Berth 812

Charted depth: 6,2 metres
Max. draught: 5,5 metres
Maximum length of vessel: N/A
Berth orientation: 165/345
Quay height above water level (MW): cirka 2,5 metres 

Deeper fairways at the Port of Gothenburg.

The Port of Gothenburg is the only Swedish port that can receive the world’s largest oceangoing vessels and in doing so offer direct deep-sea services to other continents. Freight vessels are becoming larger and the fairways leading into the port need to be deepened by around four metres. The project has been entitled Skandia Gateway and is a joint project with the Swedish Transport Administration and the Swedish Maritime Administration.

In just 10 years the average container vessel has become 10 times larger. The limited depth in the fairway means that the largest vessels are currently unable to call at the Port of Gothenburg when fully loaded.

According to a study produced by the Swedish Transport Administration, the fairway needs to be deepened by around four metres if the draught is to be sufficient. The area that requires deepening is almost 5 kilometres long. In total, dredge spoils equivalent to the volume of 20 Globe Arenas will need to be excavated. A vital part of this initiative is the deepening and reinforcement of the quays to allow vessels with a large draught to load and discharge simultaneously and sustainably in the future.

Read more about the project Skandia Gateway here.

Full service port
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Climate-smart port
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No limit port 24 / 7 / 365
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